Saturday, October 18, 2008

Even more pictures!

All the pictures!

The Big Catch-up Post!!

School this semester is incredibly busy! Currently, I am placed in the 7th grade Language Arts class at Benzie Central, where I am a "Teacher Assistant" for 20 hours each week. I never thought I'd say it, but 7th graders are FABULOUS! In addition to those 20 hours, I have four classes (12 credits) where the goal of the instructors seems to be, in a few cases, to see how much busy work they can assign. Assignments for Student Teaching (when I will be in a classroom all day, every day) have not been announced yet, but I am hoping to be placed in the High School at Benzie since both Glen Lake and TC West have informed the coordinator that they don't want any student teachers this year. Past those two schools, the next closest that I can think of are Kingsley and Suttons Bay and both of those are long drives to have to make in the winter.

As for the boys, Evan is turning into a true toddler, complete with the attitude. Whoever coined the term "terrible twos" didn't have a three-year-old! Ethin is scooting all over the house, still doing the army-crawl, but he's already showing signs of being a climber. Matthew's brother, Michael, and his wife are watching the boys while I am at the Middle School and tey had quite a story for me last week! If everyone can picture the fence that Mom and Dad have around the fireplace at home, this will make more sense as that is almost exactly what Michael has at his house separating the living room from the kitchen (less baby-proofing needed!). It seems that Ethin scooted his way over to the fence, pulled himself into a standing position, and stepped up onto the bottom slat. Holding the top of the fence, he tried to get one foot onto the middle slat and when he was unsuccessful, started yelling about it. He was mad that he couldn't climb higher!! Again, that was ETHIN, at 8.5 months.

The house is as far as it will get this year; we finished the block, put the sealer stuff on the outside, got it inspected, and have put the sill-plate on. Hopefully we will get started on the rest of it this spring. Matthew has hung a stand to bow hunt out of over there as well and hopefully he will take a deer this year.