Sunday, April 27, 2008

More pictures!

Here are a few pictures of the guys working, and their progress. Yes, that's the stroller you see there! Ethin came down to help!

I'm waaaay behind now!

All of the events of the last 2 weeks has put me way behind! So here's the abbreviated version of what happened. On the 10th, our blocks were delivered and we got about half of them down in the hole that same day. Matthew and Michael have been hard at work getting the walls built, and as of today, we are almost half done (pics of this weekend's work to come when I remember to take the camera over there!).

Just in case you wanted to know what 1400 blocks looks like when it gets delivered:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We have footings!

Today's big news is that we passed our first inspection (of the hole and our footing forms) and got cement poured for the footings! It's pretty amazing that we have gotten so much accomplished in 3 days! Tomorrow the real work will begin as our block and mortor mix will be delivered outside the hole. That means that we will get plenty of exercise carrying blocks into the hole....all 1400 of them!! I will probably end up with more exercise than I want since I'm also trying to get rocks out of the hole for future landscape use! I have to get them now before we have walls to try and squeeze around with the wheelbarrow.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Construction is about to begin!

As some of you may know, we are starting the construction of our future home! After completing the permit process, we are ready to "break ground." Tomorrow morning the excavators will dig our basement. The man who owns the company actually lives across the road from our property; how handy! We are paying for things as we go at this point, so the process will be slow. In an attempt to save money, we are doing as much as we can on our own. With the help of Matthew's brother, Michael, we will be laying the block for the basement ourselves.